Security 50 > About Security 50

About Security 50

Global market demand for security equipment reached another historical height in 2014 and 2015. Terrorist attacks and civil unrest keep pushing end customers in various market sectors to invest in security equipment for safer environments.
According to IHS 2014 report, the global market size of video surveillance and access control was estimated to be US$15 billion for video surveillance and $3.5 billion for electronic access control in 2014. Furthermore, these markets are forecast to grow to approximately $23.6 billion and $4.9 billion annually by the end of 2018, respectively. The global demand for security remains; however, multiple factors have remodeled the security industry landscape. Two big Chinese companies have been leveled up to the international stage, while their opponents have been left behind or forced to branch out. Meanwhile, the changeable global economic and political status has also made future growth for many companies uncertain.


About the Security 50 Ranking:

We ranked global public-listed manufacturers solely by product sales revenue, gross profit, and profit margin, which were listed in their public financial reports for the 2014 fiscal year. Participants range from exclusive manufacturers to end-to-end solution providers. Again, we urge readers not to focus on the ranking of the participants, but to further explore the underlying causes for their success.


>>See the full rankings of 2015 Security 50


Electronic security equipment and systems providers, including video surveillance, access control, intrusion detection, and multiple product segments
Security companies or pure manufacturers with their own products, systems, brands, or solutions
Publicly-listed companies only
(Notes: However, every year, a&s also includes a very small portion of privately own, multinational companies who are willing to share their certified annual reports. Their qualification is carefully verified by the a&s editorial team, in terms of their brand awareness and market share in the international market.)
Ability to provide FY 2014 and FY 2013 and first half of 2015 financial statements, audited/endorsed by certified accountant or accounting firm
Distributors, systems integrators, resellers, dealers, installers, guard service providers, information security, and fire safety companies and other related revenues are excluded
a&s bears no responsibility for the financial information provided by any individual company. For fair comparison, non-US currencies were converted using midmarket exchange rates from on July 10, 2015. This is an unbiased list based on the willingness of participants to share their sales performance.